Crib Sheet for Conversations Between High-Tech Consultants
All social conversations at your high-tech consulting company MUST follow the following pre-approved conversation process. Please choose one option from each group.
- "Hello, I don't think we've met. My name is (insert name here)."
- "Hello, haven't seen you in a while! (awkward pause) How are things?"
Establishing history:
- "Aren't you working on the (insert project name here)?"
- "Aren't you on the (insert floor # here)?"
- "Still on the bench?"
- "Hey, whatever happened to (insert name of laid-off colleague here)?"
Placing you in context:
- "Gee, that (insert project or team name here) sure is great, you must be excited!"
- "That's too bad. Times are tough, but everyone needs billable work. They don't pay you to sit on the bench forever!"
- "Poor (guy/gal), hope (he/she) finds work soon."
Small talk:
- (Ramble ad nauseam about software, hardware, or what we can do with the software or hardware).
- (Ramble ad nauseam about the new business climate and good 'ol [insert name of colleague here] who just got laid-off).
- (Ramble ad nauseam about the potential hockey strike).
- "Well, good seeing you! Take care!"
- "Well, I've got my CV out there, maybe I'll be leaving (insert company name here) soon. Best of luck to you!"
- "My life has no meaning. Well, off to catch my bus to (insert Kanata/Orleans/other suburb here)!"
- "Must find beer."
Maximum tolerable elapsed time: 3 minutes. Repeat, as required, as determined by size of group.
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