Fix You

In a reboot, rebuild, refine kinda place. Here are some things that are smoothing out the waves right now:
- New Franz Ferdinand, new Broken Social Scene, new Metric, Bedouin Soundclash, Ivy, Feist....when do I find the time to listen to all this stuff? Workin' on it.
- A close friend seems to be doing much better after a bad brush-in with depression. I still don't know the whole story, but it seems things are getting more solid for him.
- Autumn weather. Kick ass. Bye-bye air conditioner, hello jacket and jeans.
- Finally saw Ted Leo and the Pharmacists in concert. But also found out I don't have nearly as much of their music as I thought I did...
- I went back to Kingston for Homecoming. All in all, I had a really good time (mostly thanks to GW's Kingston chapter, Sci 00 and Zoe's awesome friends) and caught Billy Talent in all their shrieky....well, shriekiness. There was a certain matter of a hailstorm of beer bottles, an overturned car and riot police that kinda put a damper on things on the Saturday night, however. I should have blogged about it, but what else can I say that hasn't been said (nationally)? I'll give a crib notes opinion, though: I think both sides were wrong, as much as I like a good street party. But that's kinda the point - it *wasn't* good. The students were boneheads for trashing their home turf and opening up their homes to booze-powered-anarchy, and the police didn't make matters any better with their militaristic posturing. I see it as a one fuels the other back and forth kinda thing. Here's to hoping next year's party won't be dampened *ahem* by police with water cannons. Play nice, students!
- I finished two games recently. Time to give the xbox a rest.
- Survivor, Amazing Race, and the Apprentice are back. I also found out that the families in Amazing Race left the US after all, despite appearances that they'd spend the whole show driving through the bible belt.
- I've made a personal commitment to spend more time doing things I want to do for myself. I guess blogging and photography have slid off the radar recently (along with everything else, short of keepin' on keepin' on), but I want to change that when my energy levels come back up again. Maybe I'll even paint?
- I'm gonna join a gym. A guym? Ohhhhhhh....a GUYM! Now all I need is someone with a gun against my head to make sure I actually do it.
- Road trip to Montreal comin' up soon.
- Fingers crossed on getting tix for Broken Social Scene at Capital tomorrow (decided to go too late). It's not looking good right now, though. Only unconventional avenues remain.
Welcome back to blogging :)
Missed ya.
Yeah! i have something to read at work again.
I also have a gun but it's at my parents place and i've lost the trigger, and i have no bullets but i could use the butt of the gun to force you to get to the GUYM.
Deal! I'll take what I can get.
Yeah seriously, I've taken to reading strangers blogs at work.
Time for you to get off your ass and do a little writey-writey.
I wish I still lived in O-Town Drew, we could go to the guym together.
Hmmmm....maybe I should get some gun-holding motivation for writing, too. Hey, I can always write about work - who wants to hear some riveting tales of software development and process analysis? Huh, huh?
Bah! No tix for BSS. Foiled again.
I guess you ran into Hertel. I will see if I can send an invitation for sometime in early Nov.
You really should have said it was you... :)
hahaha, coulda been anyone!
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