Monday, August 19, 2002

Calling all Ottawans...

Quick post: I have a friend who is facing the terrible possibility that she may not have anywhere to live after the 30th of September. She is looking for a room in Ottawa for approximately two months while she's waiting for her boyfriend to save up some money so they can get a place together. She's a total sweetheart and things aren't looking very good for her. She can only afford to pay between $200-$300 for the room, and $300 would be a real stretch. She also has a large dog, some rodents in cages, and some birds and would need a place for them, too.

If you have a room available for a short-term period or if you know someone who's interested in renting out a room and likes animals, please contact me ASAP. I know it's a shot in the dark, but I promised I'd do whatever I could for her. Thanks.


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