A Monkey with a Pan-Flute in a Helicopter
The Assorted Ramblings of Antonio Monkerro
Monday, September 23, 2002
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: O-town, Canada
I'm back to blogging again! If all goes well, I might entertain you a bit.
What to do?
Bloggerz I Knowz
- Matej
- Chel
- Tara
- Mike Chaiton
- Pinkerton
- Sara R
- Sara Wisking
- Matt Wilson
- Pete
- Andreee
- Chris
- Matt Blair
- Cam
- Neil P
- Michelle
- Bill S
- Rachel
- Takeshi
- Charlie's questionable world adventures
- Punk World Tony
- Ryan
- Henly
- Alley
- Heather
- Jimena
- Antonio Montero
Cool-Ass Photo Geeks
"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."
- Frank Lloyd Wright
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."
- Bertrand Russell
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Previous Posts
- Roll Crawl...Cue Star Wars Theme...cue Tantive IV....
- "Look down....look waaaaaay down...and you'll find...
- Antonio Monkerro's Top-10 Winamp Playlist This is...
- Wackiness Can and Will Strike Twice in One Day To...
- Shaggy Another friend from the Golden Words/Queen...
- New Quiz, in Honour of my Discovery of Zwan Your...
- I'm a bloggoholic Today Too many messages to peop...
- E-Bay This is something my sister sent me. They'...
- The Osbournes The Osbournes have made their big d...
- ....and they call it ZWAN Billy Corgan. Jimmy Ch...

The opinions expressed here are mine and not necessarily yours, or anyone else's for that matter. That's just the way it goes. © Andrew Limmert, 2002-2006
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