"We Can't Stop Here, This is Bat Country!"
I thought I'd share a timely article by the venerable Hunter S. Thompson as printed in Rolling Stone. With only four days until the election, American cultural heavyweights are lining up to take Bush down: who'd have thought that Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Roseanne, Eminem, Oprah, and metal band Ministry would ever be on the same side of an issue, any issue at all?
Oh, there's a small search-for-work update: I'm waiting for one last signature to make that "thing I mentioned before" a reality. Stay tuned for an official announcement (hopefully soon)....
I recently got back into touch with one of my oldest and dearest friends last week (we've known each other since grade 4!). Proving that Google brings people closer together, Michelle found my blog and dropped me a message, and I'm so glad she did. I also inspired her to start her own blog, which you can find here. And although I did specify a phone call for #56 on THE LIST, I think this accomplishes it nicely. Thanks Mish!
And thanks to a paid logo and business card project that I recently completed for a friend, I also ticked-off #74. I'm kinda surprised it took this long to get that one of the list though; it should have been gone ages ago, on any number of completed or potential projects I've had along the way. But it gave me a perfect excuse to put together a swank invoice form for future use on my next paid assignment.
Other than that, life and the journey towards much-needed inner peace marches on as usual.
I'll leave you with some pictures of my pumpkins of Hallowe'ens past (I carved Karloff's Frankenstein in 2003 and the haunted house the year before).