Thursday, November 04, 2004

American Voters Said They Wanted Leadership....

....And like a herd of bison, the larger half won't even know any better until he's lead them all over the cliff.

(I tried three times yesterday to log into blogger and the page wouldn't even load. But I had a lot of fun watching that little loading bar inch across the bottom of my screen, followed by an error message. You know too many people have the will and the opportunity to put in their two cents about an issue when....)

My favourite responses I've seen so far....this person and these people. In my opinion, anyway. I wish things had gone more their way, in the end....after all, who wants easy comedy when the alternative is an intelligent, balanced, and rational head of state?

LOVE the two-party system. 51% to 49% and they're heralding this as one of the most solid trouncings in modern American history. I sure can tell you one thing: I'm more happy than ever that I'm a Canadian and I'm still happy and free and my government treats us with respect.

Especially more that I've found out I'm going to be working for them. I got the news this afternoon. They finally got that last hold-out signature we were waiting for and I'm going in to sign papers early next week. As you might expect, I'm overjoyed.

Now I all I have to do is re-train myself to fall asleep before 4 am.

Update: Dammit, should have guessed that cliff analogy would already be popular, even north of the border. I ain't changin' it now though.


At 11:57 AM, Blogger andrea said...

That's great news about your job Andrew. pay's good, pretty stable: all the positive things about working for the man! i have to get a job soon myself, but am not relishing the prospect...

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Yay! That's fantastic news! A little vacation and back to work before the savings run out, how much better can you get.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

Hey guys, thanks a lot! I guess I have one week of "vacation" left....any ideas on what I should do with it?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Not An Artist said...

Hey, wow! Government work is good work :) Congratulations. I'll have to buy you a pint to celebrate if I ever actually make it to Ottawa.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Andrew said...

Hey, you know me, I never say no to a pint! Sounds like a deal. I just got my start date though, and it's not as much notice as I had hoped....looks like a trip to Toronto will have to wait for a bit. But hopefully it'll be in the cards reeeaal soon.

At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I just spent a night of digging around google for any new info on the band Sully... and I found a post you made last year about seeing them in concert and having a friend know some of the band members? All reports I can find are from at least a year back with a new album nearing completion... nothing since then. ::huff:: Could you perhaps throw me an im (aim:skytsunami) or just e-mail me (variousdinosaurs-at-gmaildotcom). Thankee much in advance. =)

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Not An Artist said...

No rush on the Toronto trip... whenever you get to it, I'll be here. Besides, as it turns out I will be in Ottawa for the entire week between xmas & new years because one of my sisters is getting married on new year's eve. So we will definitely have to meet up for a drink or two sometime that week.


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