Sioui: Psychadelic

Saw the lego versions of the vehicles from the new Star Wars movie today. I have to admit, despite the cool teaser trailer, I'm concerned now. Very concerned. They're ugly and weird-looking.
The Assorted Ramblings of Antonio Monkerro
Sioui: Psychadelic
It's Lego?!?!?!
You know, a lego version of episode 3 might be the only thing that can save this movie.
ps. Love the pictures lately...
Hey, thanks a lot! I'm working my way through the backlog right now (big surprise there, eh, what with the lack of snow in the pics? Winter bad.). But I'm hoping to snap some new shots in the upcoming week or two. Oh hey, and if you know where I can get a Canon Digital Rebel SLR for cheap, please please please let me know, I'm ready to make the jump to all-digital.
If you want I will start swinging by the camera places on Queen W. - it's near my office, and they get used cameras in regularly. My friend got a Canon G2 for $400 down there, back when they were $1200 new.
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